Charitable Event Survey Template

This charitable event survey template aims to gather feedback on participants' experiences, donations, and suggestions for future events.

The survey includes questions about how participants heard about the event, the event activities, and their donation methods. It also asks for suggestions to improve future events.

The feedback received from this survey will help organizers improve the event experience and make a greater impact in the community.

Number of Questions
Time to complete:
3 minutes

Charitable event survey questions in this example

1. How did you hear about the charitable event?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Social media
  2. Word of mouth
  3. Email newsletter

2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the overall event experience?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. 1 - Poor
  2. 2 - Fair
  3. 3 - Average
  4. 4 - Good
  5. 5 - Excellent

3. Which of the following activities did you participate in during the event? (Select all that apply)

The answer should be a multiple choice:

  1. Silent auction
  2. Live auction
  3. Raffle
  4. Guest speaker presentation
  5. Live music or entertainment

4. Were the event activities engaging and enjoyable?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Yes
  2. No

5. Did you make a donation during the event?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. Yes
  2. No

6. If you made a donation, which of the following methods did you use? (Select all that apply)

The answer should be a multiple choice:

  1. Cash
  2. Check
  3. Credit/debit card
  4. Online donation
  5. N/A

7. How easy was it to make a donation?

The answer should be a single choice:

  1. 1 - Difficult
  2. 2 - Somewhat difficult
  3. 3 - Neutral
  4. 4 - Somewhat easy
  5. 5 - Very easy

8. Do you have any suggestions for how we can improve future charitable events?

The answer should be a multi line text input.

9. Do you have any other comments to leave?

The answer should be a multi line text input.

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.